Sphengic is the story of SEA LIFE Sydney's same sex penguin couple, Sphen and Magic who began developing a strong bond in 2018 and became inseparable before breeding season. They were constantly seen waddling around and going for swims together in the Penguin Expedition.
As breeding season fast approached, the couple started collecting ebbles to create a nest in their spot, and now have more pebbles than any other couple! Gentoo parents keep their eggs warm on pebble nesting rings scattered throughout the Macquarie Island exhibit. Swapping duties daily, while one of the parents are doing their best to incubate the egg, the other is patrolling the perimeters of the nest, warding off any potential pebble thieves or over-inquisitive neighbours.
To ensure the couple were not excluded from the season, Magic and Sphen were given a dummy egg to allow them to practice incubating and develop their skills. They were absolute naturals and displayed great care for their egg, so much so, the team at Sea Life Sydney fostered a real egg to them from another couple who had two.
In October of 2018, the two successfully hatched baby SPHENGIC! Today, the couple are still going strong and have paired up for a second breeding season!
All profits from the sale of this book will be donated to Rainbow Families whose mission is to build a community which fosters resiliency by connecting, supporting and empowering LGBTIQA+ families..
This book is written and beautifully illustrated by Kirsty Esson.